Saturday, December 26, 2009

Go to hell, hype

     So, I've adopted a new philosophy when it comes to video games.  I've actually been doing this for the past year, but chosen now to write about it.  I have decided to stop hyping myself up on games, I've even grown to expect less from games.  When you think about it, hype is responsible for the majority of disappointment when it comes to playing a new game (apart from it downright sucking.)  We read so much about a game and watch videos and read speculative previews that we get this idea of what the game is in our head, essentially it becomes our perfect game.  Fast forward a year or so and you're playing the game and you are highly disappointed because it has not lived up to your fantastic vision of it.

     I realized that game developers promise things they can't deliver.. I've accepted that, they just say shit and vouch for features they aren't certain will make the cut.  This is the basis for hype, and it's just made to make people want the game (and it works.)  Think about it for a moment though.. I'm sure there's a game on the way now that you can't wait for, this is a game you've never even played, and you're freakin' out because it seems to be everything you'd want from the genre.  You've seen some videos and maybe a developer talking about how great it is.. but you've never played it, what reason do you have to be excited?  

     If we all just slow down and take games for what they are, not what they were promised to be, you can find a lot of enjoyment where there was none before.  (Yes I know it's wrong that those features weren't in the game even though they said they would be, but you've been tricked so many times!  How are you still falling for it!?)  

     I've applied this theory to my life currently and so far it has worked wonders.  Many games, when taken by themselves are a blast to play through.  When you know what could've been, it ruins the gameplay because that is all you can think about.  One game that comes to mind that I just finished is the new Wolfenstein on X-Box 360.  The game was a solid shooter with some interesting elements, overall I thought it was pretty bland, albeit enjoyable.  Now.. had I known of any features that were promised to be in it, it would have been a downright poop-chute of a game, (and from what I gathered from seeing the face of the game on magazines and websites, it seemed to have some decent hype.)  

     So I invite all of you to adopt this doctrine, and start enjoying your games again!  Stop hyping yourselves up, in fact, just downright refuse to expect good things from a game so then when you do play it and it blows you away, it will truly be a transcendent gaming experience.  Perhaps then forums won't be overflowing with crybabies.  

    On a side note, welcome to my blog!  I've been itching to do some writing and I hope to keep the articles flowing, if anyone bothers to read it.     


  1. I totally agree. I used to be the same way and I have so many friends that are like that and I always feel sorry for them haha. The thing that really gets me is when my friends will watch a CINEMATIC trailer for a game and base all of their hype off of that and expect the game to be like the cinematic!! WTF. Are you kidding me?? it's a cinematic!! Anyway yeah gamers need to wake up and stop trying to make something out of nothing. I think a lot of it stems from society always wanting more and always wanting the next best thing. Computer geeks and gamer type people in particular always want to be on the cutting edge and have the latest greatest but I think Americans as a whole need to learn to be patient and get rid of this instant gratification attitude because it eventually just puts you in a whole anyway haha.

  2. Oh yeah and I'm sick of game reviewers too! They always tear perfectly good games apart just because they don't live up to the hype! Fuck hype!! Forgot to add that haha..

  3. You are soooo right Joe! Marketing is big business and you can attache marketing to all walks of life. we get marketed to everywhere we turn and basically it is hype to entice in to buy the product. You have to have on a pretty good filter to see throught the hype to the real product - then you can make a good decision.
    Great blog - keep up the good work!
